Digital Youth: The Role of Media in Development recognizes the important role of digital tools in the lives of teenagers and presents both the risks and benefits of these new interactive technologies. From social networking to instant messaging to text messaging, the authors create an informative and relevant guidebook that goes beyond description to include developmental theory and implication…
Critical Race Theory provides a framework for exploring racism in society, taking into account the role of institutions and drawing on the experiences of those affected. Applied to the world of sport, this framework can reveal the underlying social mores and institutionalised prejudices that have helped perpetuate those racial stereotypes particular to sport, and those that permeate broader soc…
Presenting an analysis of the ethical dilemmas facing youth workers in their day-to-day practice, this text offers an insight into both the perennial dilemmas of youth work practice, and the challenges faced.
This is a core text for all those on Sport Management and Sports Studies courses. It examines both traditional business elements and the new functional areas of management in sport. Key chapters on marketing, finance, entrepreneurship, and event management are included, and the book as a whole provides a critical understanding of the complex and dynamic relationship between sport, business and …
In the U.S., youth violence is the second leading cause of death for young people between the ages of 10 and 24. This volume, authored by a noted psychotherapist with more than 30 years of experience in family violence, examines recent violent episodes perpetrated by young offenders in order to understand their root causes and to disseminate current prevention and treatment methods through a mu…
Though many Americans might be aware of the Olympian and football Hall of Famer Jim Thorpe or of Navajo golfer Notah Begay, few know of the fundamental role that Native athletes have played in modern sports: introducing popular games and contests, excelling as players, and distinguishing themselves as coaches. The full breadth and richness of this tradition unfolds in Native Athletes in Sport a…
The Marketing of Sport explores the latest developments in sports marketing with cutting-edge analysis by the world's leading sport marketing academics. International case studies, up-to-the-minute data and a wide-ranging list of websites provide an essential introduction to the key aspects of sport marketing.
This volume discusses the disparate perspectives on the construct and addresses the tendency to position purpose in the broader frame of positive psychology. It synthesizes distinct strands of research on purpose across the lifespan, it explores studies on the daily and longer-term experience of a purposeful existence, and it delves deeply into the wide range of measurement tools that have been…